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2001-2009 Chevy 2500HD 2&4wd G.M. Heavy Duty Outer Tie Rod System Instructions

2001-2009 Chevy 2500HD 2&4wd G.M. Heavy Duty Outer Tie Rod System Instructions

1. Disconnect the negative terminal on the battery. Jack up the front end of the truck and support the frame rails with jack stands. Remove the front tires. NEVER WORK UNDER AN UNSUPPORTED VEHICLE!
2. Starting on the driver’s side of the truck, remove the nut securing the tie rod end to the spindle. Using a large hammer strike the spindle to break loose the tie rod end. Save the factory hardware. USE CARE TO NOT HIT THE THREADS OF THE TIE ROD END.
3. Locate the inner tie rod end nut were it connects to the center link. Using a large Crescent wrench remove the inner tie rod end from the center link and remove the inner and outer tie rod end from the truck as one piece.
4. With the tie rod off the truck measure the over all length of the inner and out Tie Rod assembly. Record the length.
5. Repeat steps two through four on the passenger side of the truck.
6. Using a clean rag and a grease dissolving solvent clean all the grease out from the threads were the inner tie rod ends connect to the center link.
7. Locate FT20211-1 and FT20211-2 inner and outer Tie rod pieces. Connect them together, make sure to assemble the jam nut onto the inner tie rod end before assembling the outer tie rod to it. Adjust the tie rod assembly to the previously recorded tie rod lengths. Assemble the supplied grease fitting to the top of the outer tie rod end.
8. Working from the drivers side if the truck, attach the previously assembled inner/outer tie rod assembly to the factory center link. When installing the inner Tie Rod end you will need to put a small amount of the supplied thread locking compound on the threads on the inner Tie Rod end before installing it to the center link. You will need use a large Crescent wrench to tighten the new tie rod end to the center link. Torque to 100 ft. lbs. SEE PHOTO BELOW.
9. Slide the outer Tie Rod end into the spindle and torque the nut to 35 FT LBS.
10. Repeat steps eight and nine on the passenger side of the truck.
12. With both sides of the truck completely finished and the truck still off the ground, cycle the steering left to right from stop to stop. Make sure there is plenty of clearance between the ABS lines and all other components.
13. Reinstall the tires onto the truck and torque the lugs to factory specifications, which can be found in the owner’s manual. Set the truck back on the ground and cycle the steering left to right from stop to stop. Make sure there is plenty of clearance between the ABS lines and all other components, including the wheel and tire to the new tie rod end.
14. Recheck all nuts and bolts for proper torque tightness before driving. Align the truck to the factory specifications before driving. Recheck after 50 miles.
15. Check front-end alignment and set to factory specifications.

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