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Ford Oval Owners Manual

Ford Oval Owners Manual

This manual is 100 years in the making, so pay attention, and learn the best way to showcase and represent one of the most powerful and valuable symbols in the world. Why is this manual important? The Ford Oval proudly represents the Ford brand and is widely recognized by consumers around the world. As such, it is reproduced thousands of times everyday. Without clear guidelines, it would be too easy for it to be inaccurately reproduced, which would result in too many variations to the standard, which in turn would result in inconsistent messages to our customers.

Your role in ensuring that the Ford Oval continues to represent all that is great about the Ford brand is vital. To achieve this, there are for things that you need to do: 1. Be sure you are authorized to use the Ford Oval 2. Use the correct version of the Ford Oval 3. Use the Ford Oval in the right way 4. Junk all other Ford Oval artwork THis manual tells you how.

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