1999-2000 Chevrolet/GMC Silverado/Sierra 3/4 Ton 3″ Body Lift Kit
1. Remove negative battery cable, then positive battery cable from the battery. If equipped, the Supplemental Restraint System will be deactivated when the battery is disconnected.
SteeRIng extenSIon
2. Remove the nut and bolt holding the steering column to the steering shaft located in the engine compartment about 8 inches down from the firewall. Mark the two shafts for realignment.
3. Separate the steering column from the steering shaft by collapsing the steering column into itself.
4. Install the extension into the steering shaft and fasten with stock hardware (Fig. ). Do not tighten at this time. (Some models have an alignment tab that must fit in groove cut in steering extension).
5. Fit the steering column into the extension and fasten with 3/8” x -3/4” bolt, washers, and lock nut (In some cases the steering shaft may not collapse enough to insert the extension until after the vehicle is lifted).
6. Tighten all steering hardware. Torque 3/8” bolt to 20 ft-lbs and stock bolt to manufacturer’s specifications. gRound ReloCAtIon
7. Most applications require the relocation of the ground strap connecting the engine to the body (firewall). The location of this ground strap varies. Use the ground strap relocation bracket supplied when needed (Fig. 2B). In some instances sufficient slack can be achieved by relocating the ground strap to the stud in the middle of the firewall (Fig. 2A).
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