ACR4 User Manual 2007
ACR4 diagnostic Kit and one or both of the subscription options on the new G2, the Generation 2 Internet updateable multiple application pod. We at Sykes-Pickavant believe that you will have many years of successful business as a result of your investment and it is our aim to ensure that you will remain as up-to-date as possible. Please refer to the ‘Quick Reference User Information’ below when transferring your MAP subscription to G2, updating your G2 pod and when contacting the technical help line if experiencing difficulties
There are currently 2 subscription options for your G2 pod, iMAP & iKEYS. You may have subscribed to just one or both subscription options; these instructions will cover both. The new iKEYS application was the first product to be delivered on the new G2 platform which includes a memory card enabling much more information and a greater number of applications to be available. When using the internet update facility of the new G2 pod, the speed for the updating process is significantly reduced to just minutes. Internet based updates will be provided monthly, however, if you prefer to have the updates posted to you, a replacement memory card can be provided on a 3 times per year basis.
iMAP is the internet updateable version of Sykes-Pickavant’s successful all-makes diagnostic subscription. iMAP offers traditional fault code and live data reading capabilities on a wide range of vehicle systems as well as capability for other electronic service & maintenance functions for diagnosing and configuring many of the vehicle electronic systems. iKEYS has been developed for those businesses that require an inexpensive but advanced key and remote programming system. The functionality of the new SP ‘Advanced Key Coding’ is more comprehensive than many others in the market place and is substantially lower in price than many comparable products.
Note: Customers subscribing to both iMAP and iKEYS will receive the updates to the individual subscriptions on the single memory card thus reducing the need to swap pods or cards. Internet updates will also download onto the single memory card.
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