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1000-Renk1 Rear End Narrowing Kit

1000-Renk1 Rear End Narrowing Kit

1. Disassemble and clean housing. Use a good grease cutting solvent to remove the lube residue.
Follow this with warm soapy water, such as from the car wash.
a. On “Drop Out” style housings, such as 9” Ford, you must remove the “Drop Out” and then clean the housing as described above. We recommend that you get a used “Drop Out” from a junk yard and use this for your fixture case. This way you will only have minimal work to re-setup your gears. Place the appropriate pucks into the carrier bearing locations. Screw the bearing cap bolts finger tight. Slip the bar through the assembly and then tighten the cap bolts. Remove the shaft.
b. On “One Piece” style housings, such as 12 Bolt & Dana, you will have to remove the ring gear carrier assembly, be sure to keep track of any shims. With the ring gear carrier assembly removed clean the housing as described above. Place the appropriate pucks into the carrier bearing location. Screw the bearing cap bolts finger tight. Slide the bar through the housing assembly and then tighten the cap bolts.
2. Determine the desired width, pinion offset and cut locations using the supplied work sheet. You might want to make copies of the work sheet for future jobs. There is an example on the back of the work sheet. This is a very critical step and care should be taken to get it right. Measure as many times as needed to be sure that you have all the correct numbers before moving to the next step.
3. After you have determine the desired width, pinion offset and cut locations using the supplied work sheet you are ready to cut the ends off of your housing. We recommend cutting the exsisting ends off close to the bearing end between 1” & 2” back from the flange. If there are seals in the end be sure to cut behind them. The best cuts will be made with a HORIZANTAL BAND SAW or a CHOP SAW.

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