Transmission and Converter Installation Instructions
1. If transmission is not fresh, drain all old oil, clean the pan and replace the filter or clean screen.
2. Thoroughly flush oil cooler lines and cooler with clean varsol or other suitable solvent. Repeat process alternately in both lines until clean then blow air through the system. If any restriction is noticed in the lines or cooler, they must be replaced. If there are any twists or kinks in the lines restricting oil flow, the lines must be replaced.
3. The cooler in the radiator must be clean and in good condition. If you had previous transmission failure which deposited metal particles in the lines and cooler - replace it. Your local radiator shop can install it. It could be the best investment you make. ATI highly recommends the addition of a heavy duty external oil cooler. This will greatly increase the life of your transmission. When installing, route oil flow from the transmission through the radiator, then through the air cooler and back to the transmission. The line closest to the lower radiator hose is the return line to the transmission and should route through the air cooler. Use only steel line. The use of braided line is prohibited unless it is Teflon lined. Never use steel braided line for cooler lines unless it is Teflon lined! A blockage in steel braided line may impair fluid flow while not being externally visible. This condition may lead to inconsistent performance or transmission failure.
4. If an external oil cooler is not used, a jumper line must be connected to the “in and out” lines of the transmission. ATI transmissions are NOT guaranteed against overheating.
5. Check the bolt size (supplied with your converter) used in securing the converter to the flywheel for proper fit. If necessary, drill the flywheel to the proper size. Drill holes in the flexplate .010″ bigger than the bolts being used!
6. Be certain that the mating surface of the engine block and the transmission case are clean and free from nicks, paint, dirt, etc. Use a file to clean and smooth the surface.
7. Inspect the mating surface of the engine block for dowel pins. The dowel pins must be firmly in the block, in good condition, and long enough to protrude into the transmission bell housing at least 3/16 of the full diameter not counting the chamfer.
8. Before final installation, put the converter up to the flywheel and make sure the mounting pads fit flush to the flywheel and are in correct alignment to the bolt pattern. With the pads flush to the flywheel, the converter pilot should be a good fit into the crankshaft with approximately 1/8″ minimum extending into the crank below the chamfer.
9. Inspect the condition of the old converter hub for wear, scoring or other damage. Abnormal wear may indicate that the bushing that supports the hub is defective and should be replaced before installation of the new converter. The front pump seal and bushing should be replaced by a competent transmission shop.
10. On all Ford and Chrysler transmissions, the factory bronze front pump bushing must be replaced with a babbitt-type bushing. Bushings are available from most transmission shops or directly from ATI. All ATI transmissions come standard with this bushing installed and are packaged with the ATI converter.
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