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Ford 6.0L Turbo Air Guide (TAG) install: 2003-2004

Ford 6.0L Turbo Air Guide (TAG) install: 2003-2004

Remove the flexible rubber hose from the air filter to the hard plastic intake tube which connects to the turbo charger. Remove the bolts securing the hard plastic intake tube and associated tubing and clamp.

The picture to the left shows the orientation of the TAG to be inserted into the hard plastic intake tube.

NOTE: the supplied rubber O-Ring is installed on the TAG facing the plastic tube. The TAG will be inserted into the end of the tube which is connected to the turbo charger. Start the TAG into the tube as shown. Note that the tube has a ridged or recessed area that the TAG will fit into. The TAG is a snug fit into the tube so it may take a couple of tries to get it into the correct position.

When the TAG is properly inserted into the tube, it should look like the picture to the left. Install the intake tube, air filter hose and all associated connects to complete the job.

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