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Fords and stock watering point

Fords and stock watering point

Two new fords and a stock watering point were creat-
ed in the restored reach of the river downstream of Coleshill mill. Upstream of the mill two new fords were created (see Part 1, figs. 1.1.1 – 1.1.2). Each ford enables livestock to cross the river easily, as well as doubling as a drinking place. Those upstream of the mill are also used by farm vehicles and those downstream form part of an equestrian trail. Although all are similar in concept the configuration of each is significantly different to take advantage of local topography.

Downstream of mill
All three features were created at locations where the old, straight river course was crossed by the newly excavated meandering course. Each is formed within the old backfilled river course where the soils are loose and susceptible to erosion. Rather than protecting the banks with revetments, each was set back from the true line of the new river by incorporating stoned access ramps (1:6 or flatter) to form either a ford or a stock watering point. As the new river bed at each point is filled to c. 1m above the old bed this too needed to be protected with stone surfacing.

Stock watering point at ch. 100m (fig.8.1.1)
Located at ch. 100m just downstream of a sharp bend in the new river course where a fast flowing riffle of gravel was expected to form. This hydraulic condition, combined with the careful contouring of the adjacent river banks, helps to avoid the risk of siltation that all too often renders watering points useless. The post and rail fencing around the ramp is tied into bank top fencing on either side, as well as across the river, to form a secure field boundary point.

The river fencing comprises a single heavy wire cable strained tightly across on a diagonal line (see photograph). The extra length of the diagonal renders the cable less likely to form a complete blockage of the river if floating debris becomes snagged on it. The angle of the diagonal is aligned to direct turbulence caused by its presence towards the mouth of the watering point, further reducing the risk of siltation. The ramp, its upstream flank, and the river bed are all formed over compacted fill, and flat surfaces are covered with stone over a filter fabric.

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