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Ford Diesel Powerstroke Superduty Installation Instructions

Ford Diesel Powerstroke Superduty Installation Instructions

Installation instructions:
1) disconnect negative battery cables from both batteries and secure so they can’t touch battery posts.
2) remove positive cable from driver’s side battery.
3) unsnap battery cover from drivers’ side. This is a real pain, sticking a screwdriver in the slot helps.
4) remove battery. Save the battery hold down bolt and block. this will be reused on the ump bracket.
5) disconnect the intake air temp sensor from the rear of the stock air box located on the back of the airbox by the brake master cylinder, remove the sensor and save, this will be reused in the ump superfilter.
6) disconnect the air intake hose from the air box and remove air filter lid. Pull out the filter Gauge and save to be reused.
7) remove the four bolts inside the battery box……And lift out the entire plastic battery/air box assembly.
8) unlatch quick release clamp on the ump superfilter And set filter housing aside for now.
9) install the ump battery tray in the stock location using the ford bolts in the fender holes And the supplied countersunk allen bolts in the battery tray.
10) install the battery using the stock hold down bolt removed earlier. The battery cables can now be reconnected, grounds first then positives. If the vehicle has any accessory Cables to the positive side they shouldbe re-routed now to run under the snorkel of the New filter canister. This will make filter maintenance much easier when it is time for Service. Make sure the cover is installed on the positive cable. The snorkel on the ump superfilter comes very close to this when sliding it in.
11) slide the provided rubber bellows over the intake snorkel about halfway. This will seal The air intake to the core support after installation.

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