CM4200DX Remote Starter Install Guide
Before you make all your wire connections and connect the additional items please review the Option Programming Tables and the descriptions at the end of this manual. CONNECTOR 1 (CN1)
Pin 1 Red - Constant 12-volt (+) positive power input for the control module. This wire must be connected to a constant 12-volt (+) positive source. The proper wire will test 12-volt (+) positive with the key in the off position, while key is in the on position and during crank.
Pin 2 Green/White - This is a dual purpose wire that is selectable thru the trunk/light jumper on the control module. The jumper position will dictate the output of this wire. Parking light - Parking light (+) positive output. Connect this wire to the (+) positive parking light wire generally at the parking light switch or behind the fuse box. The proper wire will test 12-volts (+) positive when the parking light switch is in the on position. Trunk release - This wire will test 12-volts (+) positive when the trunk release is triggered.
Pin 3 Red/White - Constant 12-volt (+) positive power input for the starter and accessory on-board relays. This wire must be connected to a constant 12-volt (+) positive source. The proper wire will test 12-volts (+) positive with the key in the off position, while the key is in the on position and during crank. This pin also has a red/white wire that is prewired to a relay. The relay also has a short violet wire on pin 85. This is the input from one of the negative (-) outputs for Ignition, Accessory or Starter on CN3 There is also a long blue wire on pin 30 that becomes your 2nd Ignition, 2nd Accessory, or 2nd Starter trigger. This diagram explains the purpose of the relay….
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